paying back

美 [ˈpeɪɪŋ bæk]英 [ˈpeɪɪŋ bæk]
  • 网络偿还
paying backpaying back


a reciprocal group action
in return we gave them as good as we got
Synonym: return getting even


  1. Some students paying back their college loans said they delayed buying their first house .


  2. In December she has to start paying back her $ 40,000 student loan .


  3. Make sure you know exactly what you will be paying back when you plan to redeem the item .


  4. It is not a way to express love ; instead , it is more similar to paying back money .


  5. Analysis the ways of paying back loan for projects based on fund equivalence


  6. Analysis of the Ability of Paying Back Loans for Enterprises Based on BP Neural Network


  7. The resident water price in paying back period is in acceptable range .


  8. Blind Dick is paying back three and borrowing five .


  9. Intercontinental Foshan always keep in mind for paying back to society .


  10. Residents water price , industry water price , integrated water price were calculated during the paying back period .


  11. I 'm only paying back on old debt of thankfulness .


  12. What did the arbitration about paying back loans imply ?


  13. We are committed to paying back the community with the most sincere service and the perfect product quality .


  14. Not all paying back , but I don 't want to be that a few of the accident .


  15. You borrowing or paying back ?


  16. We owe China billions in debt and so far are only paying back interest , nothing on the principal .


  17. Hey , Mitch , I got to tell you , I was really impressed with you paying back that loan .


  18. Corporate bond is that the company issues accords to legal procedures , arranges negotiable securities paying back the capital plus interest in certain time limit .


  19. This paper puts forward some measures and suggestions for the paying back village-debt based on the analysis and investigation on some village-data in a county .


  20. It needs the most frontloaded investments of any industry : plants are inordinately costly and can take decades to start paying back .


  21. Although some shipowners resort to two-way loans , they still use the conventional method of the one-way loan in paying back the principal and the interest .


  22. Bankruptcy laws were passed in order to give people a fresh start , and to give debt-burdened consumers an organized , systematic way of paying back creditors .


  23. The new database focuses on a college 's graduation rate , graduates " median earnings 10 years after graduation and the percentage of students paying back their college loans .


  24. My greatest advantage is that I am not hungry . I am paying back what I owe to Lodz and its people , he says .


  25. China has launched an app allowing users to identify nearby debtors and report those who appear to be shirking the responsibility of paying back what they owe .


  26. Simply introduces the characteristics , the application range , the estimation of energy saving of the frequency converter in the field of HVAC , as well as the time of paying back for investement .


  27. Credit pays more attention to the evaluation on the ability of paying back the engagement of civil bodies , while goodwill prefers to the evaluation on the synthetic economy connotation of commercial bodies .


  28. " A lot of the money goes to paying back the bank loan for the turbines , " he says , but the rest is used to invest in more clean energy on the island .


  29. Iceland has not only suffered a catastrophic economic and banking collapse . It is also being bullied by Britain and the Netherlands into paying back billions lost by their citizens when Icelandic banks collapsed .


  30. I have every intention of paying her back what I owe her .
